Agreement on Cooperation between Universities of Norway and Ukraine

  • Переглядів: 1072
  • Автор: Admin
  • 10 февраль '16
   From December 7-12, 2014, the delegation of Ternopil National Economic University visited Bodø (Kingdom of Norway) to participate in the conference "Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation in education and business: key points and future prospects". Attending the event were rector of TNEU Andriy Krysovatyy, Director of the Education and Research Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies Oksana Desyatnyuk, Head of the Department of Accounting in the Public and Service Sector Mykhailo Luchko, Director of the Chortkiv Institute of Business and Entrepreneurship Vitalii Buratynskyi, and Deputy Director of the Research and Education Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies Andrii Hrytskiv. 
Andriy Krysovatyy presented our higher educational institution, its infrastructure, educational programmes, innovative educational methods, experience in international cooperation, etc.
A Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Nordland (Kingdom of Norway) was also signed during the visit. According to the cooperation agreement, the partners defined the following goals:
- Promoting and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation between partners in developing the new competencies required for further Ukrainian-Norwegian cooperation;
- stimulating research and educational activities in the field of mutually beneficial interests;
- accumulating funds to finance Horizon 2020 or other European Union programs;
- promoting Ukrainian-Norwegian university cooperation through organization of scientific and practical conferences, seminars and other similar events.
A separate agreement would be signed for each project with a description of the obligations and rights of the partners. The partners agreed that the Ukrainian-Norwegian cooperation agreement between universities could be continued or expanded at any time by including other Ukrainian or Norwegian universities.

Agreement on Cooperation between Universities of Norway and Ukraine
Agreement on Cooperation between Universities of Norway and Ukraine
Agreement on Cooperation between Universities of Norway and Ukraine